Household Essentials 40 Feet Single Line Retractable Clothesline Item R-400

Whitney Design
In Stock


Brand Whitney Design
Model 847-R-400
Color White

  • Single line retractable clothesline with stainless steel spring
  • Indoor or outdoor use
  • Quick lock bottom cleat locks line and keeps line taut
  • 40 feet of line
  • Case made of high impact ABS plastic that is crack and heat resistant

  • Household Essentials's 40 feet Single Line Retractable Clothesline makes hanging laundry quick and easy. The high impact ABS plastic (crack and heat resistant) case protects the clothesline from the elements and keeps it out of the way when it is not in use. A quick lock cleat keeps the extended line secure and tight, so you have up to 40 feet of taut line; use only what you need as the rest stays nicely coiled out of sight. With a metal plate providing optimum stability, you can mount this line indoors or out and never trip over a dangling line or wind a loose end around the tree again. Your tree and feet thank you. Perfect for decks, patios, basements and mudrooms, this retractable clothesline gives you a place to hang your clothes when you need it--and not when you don't.

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