Household Essentials Outdoor Telescoping Clothesline Prop, Steel

Household Essentials
Out Of Stock


Brand Household Essentials
Model P-840
Size 1

  • 85" adjustable telescoping pole to support already hung clothesline
  • Pole's height adjusts to perfectly adapt to the height of your clothesline
  • Easy to use with quick assembly and stake-mounted for extra stability
  • Not for use as a mounting pole - this is an accessory for already installed clothesline

  • Household Essentials' Clothesline Prop is a handy support for sagging and dipping clothesline. The 85" telescoping steel pole fits under your already hung clothesline to give it additional support in the middle. It is a perfect accessory to keep your clothesline high. It is also great for lines that are hard to tighten or that have stretched out from years of good use. The support pole has a threaded eyelet cap that the clothesline fits into. The overlapping style of the head keeps the line from slipping off, so your laundry stays at the right height. So hang your clothesline and use it well. And when you need to, give it a lift with the clothesline prop. Together, we make eco- friendly living easier. Note: The clothesline prop is not meant to be used to hang clothesline; a standard clothesline post or T-post should be used to hang clothesline initially. Note: The clothesline prop is not meant to be used to hang clothesline; a standard clothesline post or T-post should be used to hang clothesline initially.

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