Honey-Can-Do Rolling Laundry Sorter with Ironing Board

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Brand Honey-Can-Do
Model SRT-01196
Color Natural

  • 3 bin laundry sorter with removable bags
  • Large hamper with ironing board that easily lifts up
  • Locking wheels for easy mobility and stability
  • Iron or fold clothes on top surface
  • Triple laundry basket separates lights and darks

  • Ever love a laundry caddy so much you wanted to Snapchat it to your friends Well, no, because that's weird, but this version of a Rolling Laundry Sorter with Ironing Board may warrant the share. Its sturdy, easy-to-assemble design features three separate sorting compartments with mesh airflow that stand up to even the toughest teenage funk. The hamper holds up to six loads strong and can be glided to any part of your home but lock in place when you want to put it in time out. For more laundry solutions, use the versatile lift-up top to fold clothes, store detergents or actually iron.

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