GSI Outdoors 74340 Pivot Tongs

GSI Outdoors
In Stock


Brand GSI Outdoors
Model 74340
Color Grey
Size One

  • Lightweight, portable cooking tongs for camping and backpacking
  • Unique pivoting design collapses from 7.75 to 6.7 inches long
  • Reinforced handles support even heavy items
  • Tongs weigh just 1.6 ounces; backed by full manufacturer's warranty

  • GSI's Pivot tools are the ultimate weapons for whipping up gourmet meals on the trail. Unique pivoting handles deploy quickly and are extremely easy to clean, then collapse for compact storage. They're reinforced, too, so you'll never fight with floppy, collapsible tools again, even when working with heavy items. Nylon 66 construction stands up to even high temperatures with ease.

    All GSI Outdoors products are fully warrantied to the original owner against manufacturer's defects in materials and workmanship.

    GSI: It's All About The Outdoors, The Rest Is Meaningless

    Beginning with a few pieces of blue enamelware and a smattering of campfire accessories in 1985, GSI Outdoors continues to create unique, imaginative, and fun products that enhance the outdoor experience – including stainless steel and enamelware cookware, tableware, coffee percolators, water bottles, and more.

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