EXCITING EASY TO READ GRAPHICS. ChimGard Energy Meter (3-4) Woodstove Thermometer. Durable genuine porcelain enamel with yellow, orange and red zones clearly indicated on black case.

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Brand Condar
Model 3-4
Color red, orange, yellow, black

  • Rugged steel case for long life
  • shows safe flue temperatures at a glance. Temperatures up to 900° Fahrenheit (500 Centigrade).
  • Durable genuine porcelain enamel with yellow & orange zones clearly indicated on brown case
  • The top-quality thermometer for stovepipe.
  • Condar 3-4 ChimGard Flue Thermometer Woodstove NEW

  • If you're using a woodstove, you need to know what's going on inside your chimney. If you're burning too cold, you could be coating your chimney with creosote, sending massive amounts of particulate matter into the atmosphere, and losing quite a bit of heat from your wood. If you're burning too hot, you could be wasting energy, damaging your catalytic combustor or even chancing a chimney fire. It's important that you know exactly what's happening, so you can burn efficiently, stay comfortable, and most importantly, stay SAFE. Condar patented surface thermometers are bimetal instruments that attach magnetically to your stove or flue pipe. They indicate the surface temperature, and by extension the temperature of the flue gasses. They're instrumental in fine tuning your burning habits for maximum safety and efficiency. The ChimGard 3-4 Thermometer is the most popular surface thermometer for use on single-walled stove pipe. Colored "zones" on the enamelled steel face indicate safe burning temperatures, letting you know what's going on. A cool-touch metal bail allows you to move the magnetic thermometer wherever you wish on the pipe, or you may use the safety screw (included) to insure the thermometer stays exactly where you want it, with no chance of slipping off the pipe.

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