Grant Howard Italian Herbs Oil & Vinegar Glass Cruet with Ergonomic Pour Spout, 16 oz, Multicolored

Grant Howard
In Stock


Brand Grant Howard
Model 50791
Color Multicolor
Size 16 oz

  • Cruet holds 16 ounces
  • Cute herb theme around the bottle
  • Pour spout helps prevent over pouring and messy spills
  • Recommended for infused oil and vinegar
  • Pourer is included with the cruet

  • This beautifully decorated glass cruet by Grant Howard is a great multi-purpose item for any kitchen or restaurant. The Italian Herb design features bunches of herbs that can be used in any number of ways to make delicious dishes. This glass cruet by Grant Howard can be used for more than just oil and vinegar but it can also be used for salad dressings, or as a decorative dish soap dispenser and as the years go on you will continue to find new and creative uses. The ergo pourer will help keep your hands and table clean. It makes pouring out the right amount of oil easy and it will catch any oil before it rolls down the side of the cruet.

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