Graco Duetsoothe Swing Rocker, Sapphire, One Size

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Brand Graco
Model 1893776
Color Sapphire
Size One Size

  • 2 products in 1: Removable infant swing seat doubles as a rocker
  • 3 seating positions so baby can sway side-to-side or swing front-to-back
  • Rocker carry-handle allows you to keep baby by your side
  • Option to plug-in or use batteries
  • Swing and rocker features vibration with two speed settings to keep baby relaxed

  • The best moments in the day are the ones spent with baby, so make the most of precious time with Graco's DuetSoothe Infant Swing Rocker, in Sapphire. This ingenious swing has a seat that doubles as a rocker, giving you the flexibility to move around the house while keeping baby cozy and close-by. In swing mode, three seating positions give baby the option to sway side-to-side or swing back-and-forth - whatever he prefers. With added features such as a plug, vibration, and songs and sounds, the Graco DuetSoothe Infant Swing Rocker has all the options baby will love.

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