Fisher-Price Baby's Bandstand Play Gym

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  • Musical mat play grows with baby
  • Baby can kick or bat the mat for musical rewards
  • Features four linkable toys with fun sounds: maraca rattle, tambourine clacker, musical note teether and trumpet jingle
  • Boom box speaker with loop to link toys
  • Machine washable mat (with electronics detached)

  • Baby can rock it out with this play gym that features a unique musical mat that responds to your little one's kicks and bats. Start out by setting the attached boom box speaker to long play mode - your newborn will be entertained by 30 minutes of music while laying and playing with the dangling, music-themed activity toys. For tummy time, set the speaker to short play mode. The 3 instruments on the mat reward baby's touch with fun sounds, encouraging your wee one to push up, reach & bat. As your mini musician grows, remove the arches to let baby sit up and put on a musical show. Tots can even discover how to make the song grow by hitting the same instrument twice in a row! And when baby's "on break," detach the electronics and throw the mat in the washer to be ready for the next show.
    Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: DFP69

    Custom Tab 01

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