Fisher-Price Soothing Motion Bassinet

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  • The weight range for the product recommended is 0 pounds to 40 pounds

  • From soothing sways, music and sounds to calming vibrations, light projection and more, this bassinet has everything to help little ones drift off to dreamland in comfort. As babies relax on the comfy sleeping pad, they can look up at the mesmerizing overhead mobile with stars while they gently sway. Or, turn on one of the captivating light features, like the overhead projection. You can also remove the projector from the bassinet and use it as a tabletop soother! And, there's a convenient night light setting for an added sense of security. For extra coziness, turn on the calming vibrations and serene songs or sounds. (Ahhh, that's nice...) Getting a good night's sleep sometimes can be a challenge, but it's super important for baby's brain development. With the Fisher-Price Soothing Motions Bassinet, you'll be ready to help your little one soothe and snooze night after night! (So comfy…so cozy…so Zzzzz…) Where development comes into play; Sensory: A variety of soft textures, calming vibrations, and swaying motion stimulate baby's senses. Security & Happiness: Soft padding, calming vibrations, and gentle swaying help soothe baby and become part of the nap and bedtime routine, giving baby a sense of security. Development Statement: Use only with a child who is unable to push up on hands and knees, pull up or sit unassisted.
    Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: DPV72, Color: Multi Color, Size: One Size

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