Graco DreamGlider Gliding Swing and Sleeper, Percy

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  • Gliding swing seat doubles as a sleeper; soothes with the same gentle motion of your nursery glider; seat reclines into a sleeper with the easy pull of a lever
  • Vibration with two speed settings keeps baby relaxed; option to plug in or use batteries
  • Cozy seat body support and recline for baby's comfort; 3-point harness with cover keeps your child secure; Toy bar mobile with soft toys for visual stimulation
  • 6 gliding speeds allow you to find the right pace; 10 melodies and 5 nature sounds will delight and amuse
  • Timer mode helps extend battery life

  • Gently lower the swing seat to create a cozy, reclined sleep space as baby continues to glide with the soothing Graco DreamGlider Gliding Swing and Sleeper. The baby swing seat reclines to a sleeper with an easy, one-hand motion, giving your baby a safe and comfortable spot to rest without having to be moved from the swing. The DreamGlider uses the same gentle motion as your nursery glider to soothe baby, and also features two-speed vibration, six swinging speeds, classical melodies and nature sounds and more to keep baby soothed and comfortable. You can plug it in or use batteries for two convenient options.
    Brand: Graco, Model: 2000709, Color: Percy

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