GoPong Hidden Sunscreen Alcohol Flask, 2-Pack

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Brand GoPong
Model SF-02
Color Full Color
Size 8oz

  • WORKS LIKE A CHARM: Includes 2 convincing sunscreen flasks that hold 8oz each
  • 10 SHOTS TOTAL: Perfect for day drinking with your friends at the pool, festivals, sporting events, cruises, golf courses, and more!
  • UNIQUE DESIGNS: SPF 15 and SPF 30 sunscreen designs to easily to fool security so you can take your flask virtually anywhere
  • EASY FILLING: Includes mess-free funnel and liquor spout so you can easily fill flasks with your favorite drinks
  • FOOD GRADE PLASTIC: Made from FDA approved materials, always wash before using

  • GoPong's 'Tropic Tan' Sunscreen Flask was designed to look like a regular bottle of sunscreen so you can fill the bottle with your favorite alcohol and take it to any outdoor event. Any suspicious eyes will quickly look over your bottle of sunscreen and allow you to bring your flask almost anywhere. We do not condone any illegal uses, but like you, we hate paying 12 for poolside drinks. Each flask holds 8oz and can easily be filled though its extra wide mouth (small funnel included). Its screw cap provides an air-tight seal to prevent any leaking of liquid or odors. Once you are ready to drink, simply unscrew the cap and mix with your favorite beverage. This 2 Pack includes an 'SPF 15' and an 'SPF 30' so you can sneak 2 kinds of alcohol around. The flask will pay for itself after one use, so get yours today! Please remember to always obey all local drinking laws.

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