The First Years American Red Cross Baby Healthcare And Grooming Kit

The First Years
Out Of Stock


Brand The First Years
Model Y7057
Color One Color
Size Healthcare and Grooming Kit

  • 17 piece kit of healthcare and grooming essentials
  • Deluxe travel or storage bag for home or on the go
  • Includes a comprehensive baby care, wellness and safety guide
  • Excellent baby shower gift
  • Birth and up

  • The American Red Cross Deluxe Baby Healthcare and Grooming Kit is a robust collection of nursery items that includes a nasal aspirator, digital thermometer with case, comfort tip medicine spoon with cap, brush, comb, baby nail clipper, fingertip toothbrush, toddler toothbrush, a mirror and more—all zipped into a deluxe travel/storage tote with an easy-view window that lets you see exactly what's inside. It even includes a baby care, wellness and safety guide so you can master every task with confidence. The easy-view tote is the perfect place for keeping all these nursery essentials together, both at home and on the go.

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