Firm Color Shapers Clay Wallet Set, Size 0

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Brand Panpastel
Model AACS-12901
Color Firm Tip #0
Size #0 Firm

  • Clay shapers are designed specifically to be used with wet clay
  • Allow you to move paint easily, apply pastel, carve images in wet paint, sculpt clay, and remove paint
  • Used alongside regular brushes to create a variety of decorative effects
  • The tips do not absorb paint like a brush, they can be simply wiped clean, or dried paint can just be peeled off
  • Available in firm tip no.0

  • This clay shapers are designed specifically to be used with wet clay, since their tips are extra firm, but can also be used with the same mediums as color Shapers. Clay shapers allow you to move paint easily, apply pastel, carve images in wet paint, sculpt clay, and remove paint. They can be used alongside regular brushes to create a variety of decorative effects. Because the tips do not absorb paint like a brush, they can be simply wiped clean, or dried paint can just be peeled off. Available in firm tip No.0.

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