Fantes Classic Waiter's Corkscrew, Made in Italy, The Italian Market Original since 1906

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Brand Fante's
Model 339
Color Silver
Size -

  • Fantes Uncle Roberto's Classic Waiter's Corkscrew easily removes corks from wine bottles, and most cork-stoppered bottles, including champagne
  • Worm and foil cutter are made from nickel-plated steel; all parts are hinged to fold and store inside the handle
  • Slim profile fits comfortably in a pocket or stores easily in the kitchen gadget drawer
  • Made in Italy by Ghidini, Europe's premier corkscrew manufacturer
  • Wipe with a clean, damp cloth

  • Fantes Uncle Damiano's Classic Waiter's Corkscrew removes corks from wine bottles with the ease. Also known as a sommelier knife, waiter's friend or wine key, Waiter's Corkscrews are the standard wine bottle opener used in restaurants and homes around the world. Uncork a bottle of wine quickly, with panache, just like the pros. Works for just about any cork-stoppered bottle, including champagne. It's a simple-to-use must-have of wine accessories. A wine foil cutter for easy foil removal, 5-turn 'worm' or corkscrew, notched lever for more power to pull wine corks, and bottle opener are all hinged to fold and store inside the handle, similar to a pocket knife. Its slim profile fits comfortably in a pocket, handbag, or stores in kitchen gadget drawers. Nickel-plated steel worm and foil cutter. Wipe with a clean, damp cloth. Made in Italy by Ghidini, Europe's premier wine corkscrew manufacturer. Fante's, The Italian Market Original since 1906. Brought to you by HIC Harold Import Co.

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