EZ Off Hot Iron Cleaner

EZ Off
In Stock


Brand EZ Off
Model FBA_ezoff
Color White

  • 5 1/4 oz tube
  • Remove starch from your iron plate
  • Cleans while metal is hot
  • Non-Flammable
  • Give your iron a newer look

  • Ez-Off is a cleaning solvent that allows you to remove a variety of items such as foreign residue, scorch, soil, and starch to keep ironing surfaces clean. Using only Ez-Off, a steel wool pad and any hot metal ironing surface that needs cleaning, you can say goodbye to those nasty build ups that plain out don't look good. Best of all Ez-Off is non-flammable and safe for metals, fabrics, and skin so you don't have to worry about ugly side effects that can happen with other products. Ez-Off comes in a 5 1/4 Oz convenient tube dispenser that makes it easy to place the amount desired to keep the Iron plate clean and professional

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