NPW Drinking Buddies Cocktail/Wine Glass Markers, 6-Count, Classic

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Model NP21547
Color Classic
Size 2.5 inch

  • Package of 6 speedo-clad muscle men drink markers
  • Hook Brad, Chad, Josh, Ryan, Cody, or Mitch on the edge of your glass so you don't lose your drink
  • Each hunk is approximately 2.2-inches long
  • Essential for bachelorette parties, girls' nights,
  • Entertain friends with hilarious NPW gifts and gadgets that will crack them up

  • 6 Speedo-clad muscle men drink markers to mark your drink and avoid mix ups. Hang a hunk on the side of your glass! Everyone needs a drinking buddy, especially one who looks great in a pair of budgie smugglers! Essential for bachelorette parties, girls' nights, picnics or anytime the drinks are flowing. It's always time to have a laugh with NPW whether it be a birthday, office prank, sleepover, party or just because you want a mega LOL. NPW lives and breathes cheekiness. Entertain friends with hilarious gifts and gadgets that will crack them up! There is never a dull moment with NPW in your life!.

    Custom Tab 01

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