Dr Infrared Heater DR999, 1500W, Advanced Dual Heating System with Nightstand Design, Furniture-Grade Cabinet, Remote Control

Dr Infrared Heater
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Brand Dr Infrared Heater
Model DR999
Color Cherry

  • Can heat up a large room with Dual Heating System: Infrared Quartz tube PTC
  • Produces 60-percent more heat or 50 degree higher than other brands in the market
  • Modern design with furniture-grade cabinet makes this nightstand heater a great way to update your bedroom décor
  • Accurate electronic thermostat with push button power and mode setting. Dial for temperature and timer setting
  • Electronic Thermostat: range 50 to 86 degrees
  • Rated to heat up to 1000 square feet with Dual Heating System: Infrared Quartz tube PTC

  • This attractive infrared heater blends in well in any room's decor, whether used as a heater in the bedroom or as an extra table in the living room. The nightstand inspired model comes with an improved system that produces higher heat output and airflow rate than the previous models.

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