Delta Children LX Deluxe Play Yard, Eclipse

Delta Children
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  • Age/Weight Recommendations: Bassinet: 15 lbs.; Changing Table: 25 lbs.; Play Yard: For children up to 35" tall; Removable, full-size bassinet is perfect for naptime or bedtime
  • Removable changing table station with waterproof surface; Snap-on hanging storage compartment for diapers, wipes and other toiletries
  • Removable mobile arm with hanging plush toys engages early visual development; Quick and compact fold; includes carrying bag for fuss-free travel or storage
  • Two wheels allow for easy movement from room to room; Easy to assemble; no tools required
  • Assembled dimensions: 27.75"L x 37.4"W x 40.2"H; JPMA certified to meet or exceed all safety standards set by the CPSC & ASTM

  • Keep your baby safe, close and comfy with the LX Deluxe Play Yard from Delta Children. You'll love all the convenient features-the removable bassinet provides the ideal spot for naptime or bedtime, and the removable changing table means you'll always have a sturdy place to change diapers or dress your baby. The detachable storage compartment keeps changing necessities nearby, so you never have to run to another room for diapers or wipes. When your baby outgrows the bassinet, the insert is removable and the LX Deluxe Play Yard functions like a full size playard. Large mesh sides provide optimal ventilation while also permitting a clear view. Designed to use at home or away, the play yard's wheels make it super-easy to move around the house, and the quick fold construction and included carry bag make for fuss-free travel. The LX Deluxe Play Yard from Delta Children features everything needed for a nursery in a portable design. Delta Children was founded around the idea of making safe, high-quality children's furniture affordable for all families. They know there's nothing more important than safety when it comes your child's space. That's why all Delta Children products are built with long-lasing materials to ensure they stand up to years of jumping and playing. Plus, they are rigorously tested to meet or exceed all industry safety standards.
    Brand: Delta Children, Model: 26201-2063, Color: Eclipse

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