Cuisinart HM-90BCS Power Advantage Plus 9-Speed Handheld Mixer with Storage Case, Brushed Chrome

SKU: MIDB003922L12
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Brand Cuisinart
Model HM-90BCS
Color Chrome
Size One Size

  • Handheld mixer with 220-watt motor and automatic feedback;BPA Free
  • Simple on/off button; 1-touch speed control and 9 speed options
  • 3 low start speeds to prevent ingredients from splattering; snap-on clear storage case
  • Includes beaters, chef's whisk, dough hooks, spatula, and instruction/recipe book
  • Measures approximately 8-1/2 by 3-8/9 by 8-8/9 inches; 3-year limited warranty
  • NOTE: Refer the User Manual before use.
  • Handheld mixer with 220-watt motor and automatic feedback
  • 3 low start speeds to prevent ingredients from splattering, Sturdy snap-on case for storage

  • Introducing a hand mixer that's as easy to put away as it is to operate. The Cuisinart Power Advantage Plus 9 Speed Hand Mixer performs any task a recipe calls for, and then tucks into its own storage case. Once it has mixed heavy batters, whipped up fluffy meringues and kneaded homemade bread dough, just clean it up and put it away. Extra long beaters, chef's whisk, and dough hooks fit into a clear case, and the mixer snaps on top. Plenty of power, perfect control, and compact storage. That's a mixer anyone can love.

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