7 Chakra Crystal Orgone Pyramid Kit/Includes 4 Crystal Quartz Energy Points/EMF Protection Meditation Yoga Energy Generator

People Crystals
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Brand People Crystals
Model THUSHK285
Color Chakra

  • CHAKRA ORGONE PYRAMID - 7 chakra stones can be used to transmit physical, emotional, and spiritual energy
  • 100% GENUINE CRYSTALS - Include red jasper, orange aventurine, yellow aventurine, green aventurine, sodalite, lapis, amethyst, and crystal quartz
  • METAPHYSICAL APPLICATIONS - ideal for dowsing, meditation, energy healing, chakra balancing, reiki
  • MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - Auramore products are backed by our 100% guarantee that you are fully satisfied with your product or receive your money back.

  • Bring back balance and harmony with an Orgone Pyramid Energy Generator

    Perfect for Chakra work, Reiki healing, crystal grids, home office decor, gifts, and more!



    (1) 3" Chakra Orgone Pyramid 

    Metals: 24k gold, copper, brass, aluminum

    Crystals: red jasper, orange aventurine, yellow aventurine, green aventurine, sodalite, lapis, amethyst, and crystal quartz

    (4) 1" Brazilian Crystal Quartz Points to help Charge and Cleanse your pyramid!

     People Crystals Chakra Guide 



    Note: Since each crystal is struck from a different stone expect some slight color variations between each piece, and lot purchased. Like us humans they are imperfect in there perfect nature. 

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