Crane USA Filter-Free Droplet Cool Mist Humidifier, Grey

Crane USA
In Stock


Brand Crane USA
Model EE-5302GR
Color Grey

  • Ultrasonic Cool Mist effectively humidifies up to 500 square feet for easier breathing and a good night's sleep
  • Relieves cough, cold, and flu symptoms, nasal congestion, dry cough, sinus irritation, nose bleeds, and dry skin and hair
  • Recommended non-medicated alternative to over the counter cough and cold medicine
  • Clean Control Antimicrobial Material is proven to help reduce mold and bacteria growth up to 99.96%
  • Removable half gallon tank easily fits under most bathroom sinks

  • Based off of the Award Winning Design & Top Rated Performance of the Drop.Get relief from Cold and Flu Symptoms and bring Wellness to your entire Family in style with a Crane Droplet Humidifier. Based off of the award winning design of the Crane Drop and its top rated performance, Crane's Droplet Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifiers provide up to 15 hours of soothing moisture to help relieve the effects of dryness and congestion, helping you and your Family to breathe easy and sleep through the night peacefully. The moisture that humidifiers add to dry air also help alleviate many common nuisances brought on by winter heating such as static electricity, peeling wallpaper, shrinking wood, and cracks in paint and furniture. All Natural, Non Medicated Relief from Dryness, Cough, Cold, and Flu Symptoms.Humidifiers are an ideal choice for relieving the discomforts of nasal congestion, dry itchy skin and hair, chapped lips, nose bleeds, and dry throats. Recent studies by the Center for Disease Control have also shown that relative humidity levels between 43% and 60% helps prevent the movement of germs, including the flu virus. A Baby Essential is the Perfect Baby ShowerGift!Humidifiers are especially important for Newborns because they are Obligate Nasal Breathers, breathing only through their tiny noses for their first 4 - 6 months. Any congestion can make breathing, feeding, and sleeping incredibly difficult for your little one. Not only that, but many pediatricians recommend the use of a humidifier as a safe, non medicated, all natural alternative to help relieve congestion from the common cold and flu instead of potentially harmful over-the-counter cough and cold medicine.Straightforward, Whisper-Quiet Operation With Clean Control TechnologyCrane's Droplet design complements any home's decor. Not only are Crane Droplet Humidifiers stylish, but they are easy to use, whisper quiet, and feature Antimicrobial Material in the Base to help reduce mold and bacteria growth by up to 99.96%. This compact, BPA-Free unit uses ultrasonic technology to add humidity to the air, is more efficient than a household light bulb, and includes a built-in auto-shut-off feature that engages when the water tank is empty to ensure safety.1 Year Manufacturer's guarantee

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