Contigo SnapSeal Kenton Stainless Steel Travel Mug, 20 oz, Gunmetal

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Brand Contigo
Model 2006114
Color Gunmetal
Size 20 oz

  • Seal It In - Leak-proof lid (when closed) for on-the-go activities
  • For the Long Haul - Drinks stay hot up to 7 hours and cold up to 16 hours with THERMALOCK vacuum insulation
  • Lend a Hand - Easy one-handed drinking
  • Perfect Fit - Fits most car cup holders
  • Clean Up - Top-rack dishwasher safe lid, hand wash body

  • Snap to it with the Contigo Snap seal Kenton! This vacuum-insulated stainless steel travel mug features a leak-proof lid (when closed) so that you can caffeinate on-the-go using only one hand to drink. Thanks to THERMALOCK vacuum insulation, your drink stays hot for up to 7 hours or cold for up to 16 hours, meaning you can use the Kenton for your hot coffee in the morning and your refreshing drink of water in the afternoon. The Kenton fits most car cup holders, perfect for your morning commute, and the textured pattern makes this insulated coffee mug a stylish accessory for the office. With the Snap seal Kenton, you've always got a coffee companion!.

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