Coghlan's Waterproof Pouches, 3-Piece Set

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  • Waterproof pouches for protecting valuables and electronic devices protected from the elements
  • Hook-and-loop closure seals out water; 50-inch nylon cord for attaching to backpack or boat
  • Three sizes of bags -- 5 x 7 inches, 7 x 10 inches, and 10-1/2 x 13-1/2 inches

  • Keep your valuables protected from the elements with this three-piece set of durable vinyl waterproof pouches from Coghlan's, ideal for keeping your electronic devices dry at the beach or on the water. The set has three sizes of bags -- 5 x 7 inches (great for wallets, passports, matches, etc.), 7 x 10 inches (great for cell phones, maps, books, etc.), and 10-1/2 x 13-1/2 inches (great for larger items like food, purses, emergency supplies, etc.). Each pouch has a hook-and-loop closure to seal out water, plus a 50-inch nylon cord that can attach to a backpack or boat. These bags are intended to keep gear dry in conditions such as rain, heavy dews, spray or splashing; not designed or intended for submerged use. Coghlan's makes the outdoors more comfortable and enjoyable with over 450 accessories for camping, hiking, fishing, and RVing -- from cooking gear to first aid kits, insect netting, firestarters, tent repair, and more.
    Brand: Coghlan's, Model: 9710, Color: Clear, Size: 1

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