Children's Factory CF332-578 Sunny Meadow Mirror

Children's Factory
In Stock


Brand Children's Factory

  • 20 inches high x 40 inches wide
  • Colors are silk screened on back of mirror
  • Mirror edges are laser cut to be smooth and safe
  • Helps develop curiosity and self awareness in child
  • Made in the USA

  • Hardware not included. Mirrors are a great way to help a child explore the world around them while aiding in the development of curiosity and self awareness. The Sunny Meadow Mirror from Children's Factory is 20\\"H x 40\\"W and is designed to grow with a child. Pre-drilled holes allow for hassle-free hanging either horizontally or vertically so the mirror can continue to be easily moved as your child continues to grow. The graphics on the Sunny Meadow Mirror are silk screened to the mirror so that they will not scratch off as a child touches and feels them. Made of acrylic, making it shatter-resistant and safe children. For added safety precautions the edges of the mirror are laser cut leaving them smooth and safe to touch.

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