Chicago Metallic Commercial II Non-Stick 9-Inch Round Cake Pan

Chicago Metallic
In Stock


Brand Chicago Metallic
Model 59629
Color Silver
Size 9-Inch round

  • Made from heavy-weight aluminized steel for superior heat conduction and even baking
  • Diamond-quality, non-stick dual-coating
  • Strong and durable, long-lasting construction
  • Measures 9-Inch diameter by 2-Inch high
  • Dishwasher safe, however hand-washing is recommended to extend product life

  • Chicago Metallic has built an unmatched reputation as the "Bakeware Experts" by delivering commercial quality, high performance products employing premium materials and construction. Chicago Metallic is proud to introduce Commercial II, a top of the line assortment of bakeware. Offering both traditional uncoated and dual coated, diamond-quality non-stick Bakeware, the Commercial II line provides the strength and durability to craft delectable results day after day. The entire line is made of heavy-weight aluminized steel for superior heat conduction and even baking results. The Lifetime warranty ensures the avid baker sturdy construction and product longevity. This collection is dishwasher safe, however hand-washing is recommended to extend the product life. This Commercial II non-stick 9-Inch round cake pan measures 9-Inch diameter by 2-Inch high. It is strong and durable offering long-lasting construction.

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