Funnel Set 2 - 5 (Value Set of 8)

Chef Craft
In Stock


Brand Chef Craft
Model SYNCHKG114515
Color Multicolor
Size Set of 8

  • VALUE 8-PACK: Funnels are a staple household item used in the kitchen, garage, and more. This value pack of 8 multipurpose funnels allow you to have a funnel for it's own job so you don't have to use for different purposes. Made of light weight, high-quality plastic.
  • Assorted sizes. The biggest size is 11.5cm wide and 14.5 cm high. The smallest size is 4.7 cm wide and 8 cm high
  • Can be used for liquids and powders; suitable for home, restaurant, garage, and automotive use and more
  • Easy to store, they can be nested or hanged (each funnel has a hole for hanging)
  • Assorted sizes will be a practical solution when pouring liquids or powders

  • When you need a funnel to pour liquids or powders without spilling then you have a funnel size for the job. 8 funnels total in 4 different sizes of durable plastic come together in this package. They can be nested together or hanged for easy storage. They are suitable for home and restaurant use and can be practical for many pouring tasks.

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