Chef Craft 20353 1-Piece Premium Plastic Salad Tongs, Clear, 11-1/4-Inch 3-Pack

Chef Craft
In Stock


Brand Chef Craft
Model 20353-3PK
Color Clear
Size 3 Pack

  • Made with heavy duty plastic,a beautiful addition to anyone lookig for Quality Products
  • Easy use is wMulti-Tasking individuals
  • These tongs use Our "EZ-APART" system for easy cleaning.
  • Dishwasher safe.The Spoon and the Fork separate for storage and
  • A Huge benefit of these 11.25-inch tongs, is the ability to use our "ONE HAND GRASP" to serve salad from the bowl if standing in line with a plate in your other hand.

  • One Tremendous benefit of these 11.25-inch tongs, is the ability to use our "ONE HAND GRASP" to serve salad from the bowl if standing in line with a plate in your other hand. These tongs are designed to come apart for ease of cleaning. This package contains 3 Salad Tongs SALAD SERVING MADE SIMPLE! Using a salad spoon and fork to serve your greens can be a pain, especially when you're at a barbecue and only have one hand to spare. These tongs make serving up salad super easy and fast, and you just need one hand to do it!

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