Certified International Tea Pot Ceramic Blue, Tunisian Sunset Collection, 40 Ounces

Certified International
In Stock


Brand Certified International
Model 22457
Color Multicolor
Size 40 oz

  • BLUE FLORAL TEAPOT IS 40 OUNCES - Provides tea for one or up to six people. Easy to pour and no drips or mess
  • NO TOXINS- No lead and cadmium, making your teapot safe for daily use
  • VERSATILE - Serves as a vessel for tea or other hot beverages; or display this hand painted tea pot and brighten up a table, counter or shelf
  • GREAT HEAT RETENTION - Keeps tea hot longer, handle remains cool to the touch

  • This blue floral teapot can be used for tea parties, casual home entertaining, formal get-togethers, or to dress up your home. Not only does it function as home decor, it also does not contain lead or cadmium so you don't have to worry about contaminating your tea or other hot beverages. It is hand painted and made from durable eathenware/clay. Hand wash recommended. Not for microwave.

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