Calypso Basics by Reston Lloyd Spoon Rest, Red

Reston Lloyd
In Stock


Brand Reston Lloyd
Model 01600
Color Red

  • Spoon rest is perfect size to use to keep counters clean and free of mess; measures 8 1/2 x 4-inch in red
  • Use for laying down your spoon, brush, and utensils while cooking or serving and keeps counter clean
  • Made of durable plastic; BPA free
  • Adds color to your counter or stove or table
  • Easy to clean, rinse or put in the dishwasher

  • Reston Lloyd is a leading manufacturer and distributor of kitchenware, specializing in enamel on steel products. For nearly 30 years, they have been dedicated to providing the highest quality products, with an equal emphasis on superior customer service. Reston Lloyd provides a wide variety of household goods that coordinate with patterns of popular dinnerware manufacturers. Reston Lloyd's Calypso basic line was created to make their everyday useful kitchenware's, into fun and bright colors. Reston Lloyd brought bright colors onto the market over 40 years ago and continues to add new colors. Reston Lloyd only uses the current trending colors to ensure you are offered the best coordinating house ware items. While some colors are replaced by others from year to year, one thing remains the same, which is variety. Reston Lloyd is one of the only manufacturers who have over 12 standard colors at one time. Calypso Basics includes items such as enamel on steel or powdered coated colanders in five sizes! the collection also contains, batter bowls, microwave cookware set, enamel cookware, acrylic storage, melamine utensil, and more! start collecting your favorite Color today and see what a little Color can do for you. The Calypso Basic spoon rest is a place to rest or sit your utensils while you are working in the kitchen, keeping your counter or stovetop clean. Just rinse or put in the dishwasher to clean. Leave it on your counter to add a touch of color to your stove. Made of durable BPA free plastic and measures 4" wide x 8 1/2" high.

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