Brix JarKey Jar Opener, The Original JarPop! - Assorted Colors

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Brand Brix
Model B00167Z2UO
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  • One easy lift:pops the vacuum so lids spin free
  • Place JarKey on rim of lid, lift:gently until you hear the vacuum pop, Lid is not free to spin
  • JarKey has no sharp edges or points, no moveable parts, and is dishwasher safe
  • Compact design stores easily;measures 5.62" x 2.12" x 1.25"
  • Endorsed by Arthritis Associations around the world; Made in Denmark

  • The World's Easiest Jar Opener - The Original! Patented and design awarded jar opener that fits all traditional preserving jars. The JarKey is placed against the lid of the jar, and with a slight lift, the vacuum is released, and the lid can now easily be unscrewed. OPEN JARS IN A JIFFY WITH JARKEY So handy that anyone can use it! The JarKey is made of high density ABS plastic in an elegant design. JarKey has no sharp edges or points, no moveable parts, and is extremely durable. Dishwasher proof. The unique thing about the JarKey is the special three-point principle that ensures the vacuum to be released by a gentle lift without damaging the lid. After releasing the vacuum, the lid can easily be unscrewed. Comes in fun assorted colors

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