Brentwood JB-220G 12-Speed Blender, 1.5-Liter, Lime Green

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Brand Brentwood
Model JB-220G
Color Lime Green
Size 1.5-Liter

  • Non-Skid base
  • 12 speed controls
  • Plastic pitcher jar
  • 350 watts of power
  • Cul approved for safety

  • Use the powerful 350 watt Brentwood JB-220G 12-Speed Pulse Blender to easily crush ice and blend delicious fruit smoothies, thick milk shakes, hearty protein shakes and more. Simply attach the jar and choose one of the 12 speeds or pulse to crush, chop, mix, grate, blend, and liquefy. Includes a blade assembly with stainless steel blades and a BPA Free 50 ounce jar with lid. Non-slip base keep blender secure in place. Removable blade assembly, jar and lid are dishwasher safe. Conveniently wrap the cord on the bottom of the blender for easy storage.

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