BLACKDECKER 5-Cup Coffeemaker with Duralife Glass Carafe, Black, CM0555B

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Model CM0555B
Color Black

  • Duralife Glass Carafe - The sturdy 5-cup carafe has measurement markings for accurate filling and an easy-grip handle for comfortable pouring
  • Removable Filter Basket - Cleanup is easy with the dishwasher-safe filter basket, which is compatible with basket-style paper filters
  • Optimal Brewing Temperature - Water is heated to the perfect brewing temperature for full flavor extraction and a rich, smooth taste
  • "Keep Hot" Carafe Plate - The nonstick carafe plate keeps coffee warm for an hour after brewing is complete, Plus, it's stain-resistant and wipes clean easily
  • Lighted On/Off Switch - Just one simple button to start and stop the coffee maker
  • Note: Cup equals approximately 5 oz. (varies by brewing technique)

  • Delicious coffee has never been easier! The BLACKDECKER 5-Cup Coffeemaker gets going with the flip of a switch. It heats water to the optimal temperature for full flavor extraction as it brews into the reinforced 5-cup Duralife glass carafe. Coffee stays warm for up to an hour after brewing with the “keep hot” carafe plate. Plus, the removable, dishwasher-safe filter basket makes for simple cleanup. Cord Storage the cord wrap in the base of the unit helps prevent clutter on your countertop.

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