BLACKDECKER 400-Watt Fruit and Vegetable Juice Extractor, Black, JE2200B

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Model JE2200B-220
Color Black
Size 300 ML

  • 400-Watt Motor - Extract fresh, pulp-free juice in just seconds! The intuitive on/off switch provides the best performance for all kinds of fruit and vegetables
  • Compact Design - The vertically-oriented juice extractor saves space on the countertop
  • Stainless Steel Cutter and Strainer - The durable cutter quickly works through fruits and vegetables, and it's easy to clean and reuse
  • Dishwasher-Safe Parts - Every removable part is safe to clean in the dishwasher, further simplifying the juice-making process
  • Fruit and Vegetable Pusher - The pusher guides fresh produce towards the cutters for maximum juice extraction

  • The BLACKDECKER 400-Watt Juice Extractor makes it easy to turn all your favorite fruits and vegetables into delicious, pulp-free juice. The powerful 400-watt motor quickly works through produce, separating fresh juice from the pulp, which is collected in a separate container. With intuitive controls and dishwasher-safe parts, it's the fast and easy way to enjoy fresh, flavorful juice!

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