Berkey Water Filter Stainless Steel Wire Stand with Rubberized Non-skid / non-slip Feet for IMPERIAL and CROWN Berkeys and Other EXTRA LARGE Sized Gravity Fed Water Filters Raises your Berkey 6 inches

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Brand Berkey
Color Silver
Size X-Large- 12" Diameter Fits Imperial & Crown Berkey

  • Polished stainless steel wire stand with non-marking, non-marring rubberized feet
  • 12" in diameter by 6" tall
  • Fits Imperial and Crown Bereky units
  • Allows you to easily fit a cup or mug beneath the spigot
  • Compare to stands made by the competition that lack rubberized feet

  • The Berkey Water Filter Stand adds style and functionality to your water filter setup. The rubberized feet are made of a non-marking, non-marring rubber that is bonded to the stand for extra durability and stability. These polished stainless steel wire stands are 6" tall allowing you to easily fit a cup or mug beneath the spigot. Fits the Imperial and Crown Berkey and other extra-large sized gravity water filters that have a diameter of 11 inches or less

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