BabyBjörn Bouncer Balance Soft: Ergonomic Baby Bouncer Chair, Infant Bouncer Portable Bouncer Seat - Khaki/Beige, Cotton

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  • FULL BODY SUPPORT: Doctor approved, ergonomic design distributes baby's weight evenly for comfort and provides full support to your baby's back, neck and head. Can be used from birth to age 2 (minimum weight 7.8 lbs/3.5 kg)
  • VERSATILE: The perfect addition to life with a baby! Baby can sleep or self-entertain (toy bar sold separately) while you shower, prepare a meal, or complete other household tasks, plus the fabric seat is removable and machine washable!
  • 4 POSITIONS: Play, rest, sleep, and transport. The bouncer is quietly and easily adjusted to cater to baby's needs on a whim and can also be folded flat for easy storage and portability. Once your child can sit without help, turn fabric seat around and bouncer doubles as a chair
  • BALANCE MOTOR SKILLS: Baby quickly learns to control the bouncer's natural rocking movements with their own, helping to develop a sense of balance and hone motor skills; no batteries required
  • CHILD SAFE DESIGN: All bouncers are free from harmful substances and approved according to Oeko-Tex Standard 100, Class 1 for baby products; available in 3 materials: soft cotton, cotton/jersey, and airy quick-drying mesh in a variety of colors

  • The BABYBJORN Bouncer Balance Soft is an ergonomic bouncer with a soft and snug design that is suitable right from day one. The fun and natural bouncing movement develops your baby's motor skills and balance. No batteries required. Suitable for babies and toddlers aged 0-2 years.Washing instructions -Machine wash warm 40°C. Wash separately. Use mild and bleach-free detergent. Do not tumble dry.
    Brand: BabyBjörn, Model: 005026US, Color: Khaki with Beige

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