AeraMax 300 Air Purifier True HEPA Authentic Replacement Filter with AeraSafe Antimicrobial Treatment (9287201)

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Brand Fellowes
Model 9287201
Color White
Size 1-Pack

  • True HEPA Filter captures 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns such as germs, viruses, mold, dust, pollen and other allergens
  • AeraSafe antimicrobial treatment provides built-in protection from the growth of odor causing bacteria, mildew and fungi on the True HEPA filter
  • Compatible with Fellowes AeraMax 300 Air Purifier. This item's packaging will indicate what is inside and cannot be hidden.
  • With normal usage, it is recommended that you change your filter every 12 months to keep your air purifier running at peak performance
  • A filter change indicator on your Fellowes AeraMax 300 Air Purifier conveniently notifies you when it's time to replace your True HEPA filter

  • This true HEPA Filter captures 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns, including pollen, ragweed and other allergens, viruses, germs, dust mites, mold spores and cigarette smoke. Its AeraSafe antimicrobial treatment provides built-in protection from the growth of odor causing bacteria, mildew and fungi on the True HEPA filter. Compatible with Fellowes AeraMax 300 Air Purifier. With normal usage, it is recommended that you change your filter every 12 months to keep your air purifier running at peak performance. A filter change indicator on your Fellowes AeraMax 100 Air Purifier conveniently notifies you when it's time to replace your True HEPA filter.

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