Ateco Cannoli Forms, Set of 4

Harold Import Company
In Stock


Brand Harold Import Company
Model 660
Color Silver
Size A

  • Set of 4 cannoli forms
  • Made of stainless steel; forms are dishwasher safe
  • Authentic cannoli recipe on the packaging
  • Each form is 5-1/2-inches long with a 3/4-inch diameter
  • By Ateco - makers of high quality bake ware and chef tools

  • Powdered sugar, vanilla, a zest of orange or lemon, ricotta cheese and chopped chocolate - and that's just the inside. This creamy, sweet Italian treat is yours for the making, and cannoli forms are integral to getting the job done right. This set of four shell forms works easily ¿ the dough bakes right around them for beautiful cannolis, then pour the fluffy, creamy filling into the pastry form using an Ateco decorating tube (not included). A classic cannoli recipe is included right on the back of the package. Stainless steel ¿ a superior, dishwasher safe material.

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