Artland Iris Footed Ice Tea Glasses, Sage, Set of 4

In Stock


Brand Artland
Model 50953B
Color Sage
Size Footed Iced Tea

  • Artland Iris Footed Ice Tea Glasses make up a gorgeous ice tea glassware set that adds elegance, color and fun to your home; set of four in an earthy sage color
  • This is a perfect ice tea glassware set; can be used as white wine and water glasses
  • The Iris collection features a gorgeous bubble glass that is both elegant and fun; these are some of the most sought after colored glasses on the market
  • All of the glasses are handblown and are made of high quality lead-free glass

  • Vivacious bubbles lend a refreshing elegance to these glasses. The simple shape is perfect at meals both casual and formal. Put together a versatile set of glassware with goblets and shorter tumblers from the Glassware Collection (sold separately). Dishwasher safe. Imported.

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