Air King 9106 16-Inch 3-Speed Oscillating Table Fan

Air King
In Stock


Brand Air King
Model 9106
Color White
Size 12"

  • 16-inch 3-speed oscillating table fan for areas where quiet operation is desirable
  • Constructed with a powder-coated steel front grill for long-lasting durability
  • Front-mounted rotary controls that have (3) wind settings
  • 90-degree oscillation that can be locked in an non-oscillating position
  • Comes with a 1-year limited warranty

  • The Air King 9106 16-Inch 3-Speed Oscillating Table Fan is ideal for areas where quiet operation is desirable, such as offices, hospitals, schools, and other locations. The 16-inch commercial-grade table fan is constructed with a powder-coated steel front grill for long-lasting durability. The 120-volt, 1/50-horsepower motor is permanently lubricated and operates by front-mounted rotary controls that have (3) wind settings measuring 1,710-CFM on high, 1,500-CFM on medium and 1,330-CFM on low. Included is a 7-foot, 3-conductor type SJT power cord for long reach and 90-degree oscillation that can be locked in an non-oscillating position. The fan has 16-inch blades, measure 11.625-inches long by 14.25-inches wide by 20.25-inches high and weighs 7-pounds. The Air King 9106 16-Inch 3-Speed Oscillating Table Fan comes with a 1-year limited warranty. Air King offers a full line of industrial grade and commercial grade air circulating fan solutions to meet almost any need you might have. Whether your need is in industrial settings such as manufacturing plants and warehouses or more commercial setting such as offices, schools or hospitals - Air King has the perfect solution for you. Powerful motors that last for years and years are what Air King's Air Circulators have come to been know as and we are not stopping now. Visit for more information on Air King and our extensive line of products.

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