EASY TO FILL TWIN TANKS will hold approximately 1 liter of water.Allows kids more time spraying and less time or refilling.
SHOOTS WATER IN 2 directions at the same time or in a direct stream.
BACKPACK design with easy adjustable straps
INCLUDES plastic molded space pack with water hose and 2 way blaster
Twin easy to fill tank keeps kids happy & playing longer. The PERFECT accessory to add to your Aeromax astronaut collection. Manufacturer Note: Be certain you secure the hose at the bottom of the tank to prevent leaking when you attach it. All Aeromax toys are tested to meet applicable standards for USA requirements. Aeromax quality products make great gifts for both girls and boys. Brand: Aeromax, Model: ASP, Color: White/Black With Red and Blue Accents, Size: One-Size
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