Activa Decor Sand, 28oz - Light Brown

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Brand Activa
Model 4295
Color Light Brown

  • Add just the right decorative touch with ACTIVA Décor Sand, the preferred choice of sand designers and home décor specialists
  • Available in a wide range of beautiful, rich, robust colors; create dramatic works of art with this color-fast, fade-proof and waterproof sand
  • The perfect color and texture embellishment for home and party décor, floral and candle design, weddings and celebrations
  • Match and enhance event color themes with the extensive color palette, find just the right color tone and statement for the perfect accent
  • Fully safe and non-toxic; no free silica or quartz, it's 100% natural and environmentally friendly; ACMI Certified, AP approved and meets CA Prop 65

  • ACTIVA Décor Sand is the choice of world famous home décor, floral and sand designers. This vividly colored sand accents and completes any table or candle arrangement with unique colors and textures. An extensive color palette lets one match and embellish any color scheme or theme. Add visual interest or a splash of color, you'll be able to find just the right color tone and statement for the perfect accent. This sand is colorfast, fade proof and waterproof for a long lasting, dramatic presentation. Fully safe and non-toxic, this 100% natural sand has no free silica and no free quartz. It's AMCI Certified, AP Approved and meets California Proposition 65 standards. Bring your designs to life with ACTIVA Décor Sand. Since its founding in 1959, ACTIVA Products has been the industry leader in supplying the highest quality materials for creativity. For artists, crafters, designers and educators, ACTIVA provides the right tools and products for artistic expression. Whether the need is for instant papier mache, air dry clays and plasters, vibrant sand, casting, sculpture or floral design, ACTIVA products provide the quality, consistency and proven performance expected by even the most demanding artisan. All our products are 100% safe, non-toxic and meet or exceed all US and European testing standards. ACTIVA Products, Materials for Creativity.

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