#6 – Classic Incense by GONESH

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Brand Gonesh
Model GOST06

  • GOLD QUALITY: Gonesh Incense has the highest charcoal content of any brand currently on the market - it delivers the purest, cleanest burn, and crystal clear fragrances
  • LONG LASTING: Incense sticks are dipped by hand for maximum fragrance. Package contains 20 incense sticks, approximately 45 minutes for each stick.
  • Classic no. 6: perfumes of ancient times. Ancient fragrances create an experience that engenders peace and harmony. A strong woodsy fragrance interlaced with spices as old as time
  • WORLD WIDE: Enjoyed by millions; our unique fragrances are known the world over. Gonesh Incense can be found in stores in the United States, Japan, Canada, Mexico, China and more!
  • ETHICAL PRACTICES: Gonesh Incense utilizes fair trade labor and environmentally responsible production methods to give you the best incense around. MADE IN CHICAGO, USA. Packaging is recyclable.

  • no wood pulp charcoal incense sticks.Made the same as in the 60's

    Custom Tab 01

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