4moms mamaRoo 4 Bluetooth-enabled high-tech baby swing – classic nylon fabric with 5 unique motions

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  • 5 unique motions & speeds
  • Bluetooth Enabled - control motion & sound
  • 4 built in sounds & MP3 plug-in
  • Machine washable seat fabric
  • AC Adaptor - no batteries required
  • Adjustable seat recline
  • Weight Range: Birth to 25lbs (or when baby can sit up unassisted)

  • It moves like you do. The 4moms mamaRoo 4 infant seat bounces up and down and sways from side to side, just like parents do when comforting their baby. Select from five unique motions, like car ride and tree swing, and five different speeds. Choose from four built-in sounds or connect it to any MP3 player. The seat reclines to multiple positions to allow baby to lie back and relax or sit up and play.  The mamaRoo is also Bluetooth enabled so you can control the motion, sound, speed and volume from your compatible smart device without disturbing baby! The overhead toy mobile now includes interactive, reversible toy balls. Keep baby's attention with the sound of the crinkle ball, rattle or reflective mirror ball. Compatibility: The 4moms app for iOS is compatible with all Apple devices newer than the iPhone 4s that are running iOS 9 or newer. The native Android app is compatible with most Android devices that support Bluetooth Low Energy and are running Android 4.3 or newer.
    Brand: 4moms, Model: 2000800, Color: Grey Classic

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