2-Piece Steel Stem Plastic Bed Frame Glide Legs, Set of 4

Bed Claw
Out Of Stock


  • Glides are recommended for wood, tile, and other hard surface floors.
  • 3/8" Diameter Stem, 2 1/2" Wide at Base, Overall Height is 4", Installed Height is 2-3/4"
  • Designed to replace bed frame wheels - Pop out your casters, pop these in.
  • These are a very common leg on bed frames, and can be used to replace lost or damaged ones.
  • Packaged as a set of 4 complete legs (4 tops, 4 bottoms).

  • Moving to wood floors You'll need glides instead of wheels. Replace those casters with these wood friendly bed frame glides. Pop out your casters and pop these back in if you want to replace the wheels on your current bed frame. These are also ideal for replacing ones which have become lost or damaged, which can happen when moving. One glide comes as two pieces, as shown in the pictures. These are packaged as a Set of 9 complete bed frame legs. You will receive 9 tops and 9 bottoms as well as 9 plastic insert plugs for a snug fit. Please note that the color of the glides may vary from the pictures shown, but they will be the same item. HPG Ltd. Lifetime Service Policy Our Ltd. Lifetime Policy runs from the original date of purchase and covers the repair of manufacturing defects or replacement of your purchased product. Item must be clean and free of stains or damage. Transportation charges and a Policy Service Fee are the responsibility of the consumer. To email your clear images of the issue go to the Homeplace Group's storefront for our contact information. Then you will receive information on the next steps and/or additional information on this policy.
    Brand: Bed Claw, Model: 22598-4, Color: black

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