Woodstock Chimalong- Music Collection

Woodstock Chimes
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  • First introduced in 1986, the Chimalong is still one of our most popular products
  • Recommended for its educational value by John Sebastian, Marilyn Horne, Andre Watts, Peter Shickele and the late Jim Henson
  • Includes two mallets and a color coded songbook
  • Oppenheim Award Winner
  • Parent's choice top 25 toy award

  • When making music is this much fun, little ones will keep coming back for years. An 8-note metallophone, the Chimalong Jr. is a perfect learning instrument for little ones ready to explore the world of music. Including 2 mallets and an alternate B-flat tube, the Chimalong Jr. also comes with an easy-to-read songbook, which is color coded with numbers and traditional notation. Each Chimalong tube is precision-tuned to the same standards as the world famous Woodstock chimes and securely suspended in a safe rubber holder. The instrument's soft, resonant sounds will delight children as they play from the songbook, pick out familiar melodies or just have fun improvising. Such notable musicians as Marilyn Horne, Andre Watts and John Sebastian recommend the Chimalong Jr. for musical quality and educational value. Imported. 16Lx13W”.
    Brand: Woodstock Chimes, Model: CH1JR

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