Bememo 12 Pieces Unisex Gold Shining Plated Masquerade Mask Wedding Props Mardi Gras Party Costume Accessory

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  • Kindly reminder: the friction during transport may cause some powder on the mask to fall; And before wearing, please wipe out the powder of party mask inside to keep it out of your faces; Thank you for good understanding
  • Material: these masquerade masks are made of good quality PVC material; You can use them repeatedly in a variety of parties
  • One size fits most: these masquerade masks are flexible with 2 straps on their back for easy tying; One size fits for all most adults
  • Various colors: gold, silver, red, blue, rose red, purple; 6 Colors in total, and 2 pieces each color, enough for meeting your different needs, suitable for most occasions
  • Multi-use: party shining masks can be widely applied in Halloween Christmas carnivals, masquerade, Mardi Gras, party ball prom, costume cosplay party, fashion shows, wedding, mask events, night club, birthday and more

  • Features: All these masks are made of good quality PVC material, durable for a long-term application; And there are 6 different colors for meeting your various needs, suitable for many occasions. Applicable scenes: Our party shining plated masks are suitable for Halloween Christmas carnivals, masquerade, Mardi Gras, party ball prom, costume cosplay party, fashion shows, wedding, mask events, night club, birthday and more. Suitable size: These masquerade masks are flexible with 2 straps on their back for easy tying; One size fits for all most adults. Give you a special experience: These exquisite masks feature wonderful appearance and beautiful colors; They will add a sense of mystery and beauty for you when wearing them to attend parties. Note: The friction during transport may cause some powder on the mask to fall; Thank you for good understanding. Specification: Material: PVC Size: 16 x 8.5 cm/ 6.3 x 3.35 inches Color: gold, silver, red, blue, rose red, purple, 2 pieces each color Quantity: 12 pieces Package includes: 12 x Costume masks
    Brand: Bememo, Size: 16 x 8.5 cm/ 6.3 x 3.35 inches

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