Winx 11.5" Fashion Doll Believix - Bloom

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  • Beautiful Believix fashion with sparkly wings that can be removed or plugged back in to go from girl to fairy
  • These dolls have 11 points of articulation allowing for unlimited fashionable poses
  • Spectacular hinged wings can be removed and used on all Winx Club fashion dolls
  • Includes collectable, magical membership card that unlocks exclusive content on Nick Official website

  • Based on the character from Nickelodeon's animated series Winx Club, the Believix Bloom doll brings the world of fairies, fashion, and Magix to playtime. Redheaded Bloom comes with removable fairy wings, a trendy blueandpink outfit, and 11 points of articulation. Winx fans ages four and up will enjoy moving and posing Bloom in many fashionable ways. With 11 points of articulation, this 111/2inch doll is easy to pose and can be moved to recreate just about any fashionable pose. The doll can transform from girl to fairy just like characters in the show. Just plug a pair of glittery Believix wings into the Winx "X" on the back of the doll. The wings are interchangeable, so as you collect all six fairies, you'll be able to mix and match wings and clothes.Bloom is the most powerful of the Winx. Her unique power, the most ancient energy of the Magic Dimension, will ultimately enable her to defeat evil, like the Trix, the trio of villainous witches. Bloom grew up on Earth, raised by her fireman dad and flower shopowner mom. But she discovered through her dreams that her parents adopted her as a baby, and she has a fairy sister named Daphne, Princess of the lost world of Domino. Bloom is always ready to help a friend: she's loyal, strong, a bit stubborn, and she never backs off from a problem or challenge.
    Brand: Nickelodeon, Model: 42403, Color: Blue

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