Polly Pocket Wall Party Tree House Playset

Polly Pocket
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  • Everyday is an adventure with Polly and friends
  • Play moves off the floor and onto the wall
  • Safe for walls Command Strips really elevate play
  • Suction cups add upside-down fun and keep everything in place
  • Includes Polly doll, 2 sleeping bags, kitty, additional themed piece-count and 4 Command strips from 3M

  • Polly Pocket Wall Party Tree House Playset: What's a day without adventure Polly and her friends wouldn't know since every day is an adventure, particularly when play moves off the floor and onto the wall! This tree house play set features safe-for-walls Command strips from 3M to really elevate play! The suction-cup piece-count adds even more upside-down fun; pieces stay in place for continuous play and easy cleanup. With multiple levels for play, the tree house has plenty of built-in adventure. Polly doll can travel between floors in the basket lift or use the slide for a quicker move. A trap door can hide Polly doll or her pet, while a satellite spot, reached by zipline, features two hanging sleeping bags for when there's a break in the action! Set includes Polly doll, 2 sleeping bags, kitty, additional themed piece-count and 4 Command strips from 3M (1 is an extra). Collect all of the Polly Pocket Wall Party Playsets for the ultimate adventure!
    Brand: Polly Pocket, Model: X8539

    Custom Tab 01

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