"WineYoke" Party Time Hand Free Wine Glass Holder Necklace - Set of 2 (PINK & BLACK)

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  • Wine Yoke Wine Glass Holders - The Ultimate Hands Free Wine Experience.
  • Offers you a hands free lanyard for your wine glass.
  • Set of 2 (Pink & Black). The WineYoke is a must have and makes a perfect gift for friends, family, and business associates.
  • Rubber base stretches to accept stemware base.
  • 38" lanyard attaches to two universal swivel, snap-on hooks.

  • The WineYoke hands free wine glass holder is the perfect accessory for wine tasting or wine events. The WineYoke offers you hands free holding of your wine glass while you enjoy hors d'oeuvres and socializing with friends. The WineYoke makes a perfect gift for any wine lover.The WineYoke is light weight, and stores conveniently in a purse or pocket. Bring it with you when you travel to visit wineries or even bring it with you to your friends' home parties. Your WineYoke will be the talk of the party, and everyone will want to buy one. Heck, just carry a few extra with you and you will make new best friends, and maybe earn a little extra pocket change... (we're kidding)!Made with a flexible rubber material, the WineYoke is strong, classy, and durable. The flexible material makes it effortless to insert any stemmed wine glass. The engineering prevents the glass from moving from side to side.On a more serious note, the WineYoke is not a toy and should be kept away from children. We also recommend you keep it away from extreme heat. The flexible rubber material is bonded together.
    Brand: WineYoke, Model: 8044, Color: BURGUNDY ONLY DURING HOLIDAYS

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