All You Need Is Wine is the perfect party game to entertain your guests!
All You Need Is Wine includes detailed instructions on how to prepare for and play the game, as well as the following contents: 10 Tasting Tip Sheets, 50 Tasting Note Sheets, 10 Numbered Wine Bags, 50 Paper Wine Glass Tags, and 10 Pencils.
Ideal for parties of any size!
Designed for people of all wine knowledge levels, this blind wine tasting party game allows players to learn and practice the 5 S's of Wine Tasting: Sight, Swirl, Smell, Sip, and Savor. Players blind taste each wine and use the Tasting Tip Sheets to record their tasting notes on custom designed Tasting Note Sheets. Players then guess each wine's grape varietal and tally the results. What better way to host a fun party while expanding your wine knowledge! Ideal for parties of any size! Please drink responsibly. Ages: 21 Brand: All You Need Is Wine, Model: COMINHKR025471, Color: N/A
Custom Tab 01
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